Week 1 - Learning Multiplayer AI in Unreal 5

My group started this project as a means to get closer to achieving our individual CDP goals as we’re each working on parts of the game we want to go into the industry for. For me, that is the game AI and engine tools. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oZgDL1-wPz29beVDNwp63Y57z2QctJKG/view?usp=sharing) This week I spent furthering my knowledge of Unreal AI sub-systems like the behaviour tree system. I did this by following a guide on how to create a basic patrolling and chasing game AI. Then afterwards I experimented with doing it in an online/networked setting by having two players in the world and having it chase whichever one was closest/reachable. Doing this is useful as I will be creating various types of game AI in the coming weeks and this newfound knowledge at my disposal will make the transition to an online game environment much easier.


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